1970及其前因后果 :: 一瞥惊鸿黄金屋

 >1970<+itself :: Books   


Italo Calvino





吕同六 张洁 主编

译林出版社 出版

总定价 128.00

卡尔维诺中文站   calvino.yeah.net




1924年10月15日生于古巴的Santiago de las Vegas,1985年9月19日在意大利的Siena去世。

卡尔维诺童年时就离开古巴回意大利。第二次世界大战时他参加了意大利抵抗组织,战后定居于都灵,并得到了文学学士学位,同时为共产党的周刊L'Unità和Einaudi 出版社工作。从1959年至1966年他和Elio Vittorini 一起编辑左翼杂志Il Menabò di letteratura 。

卡尔维诺最早的作品都与他参加抵抗组织的经历有关。50年代卡尔维诺果断地转向幻想和寓言作品的创作,其中的三篇小说为他带来了国际知名度。第一部Il visconte dimezzato (《分成两半的子爵》,1952出版);第二部Il barone rampante的声誉最高(《树上的男爵》,1957年出版),这篇故事机智地探讨了现实和想象之间的联系和对立。第三部 Il cavaliere inesistente (《不存在的骑士》,1959年出版)是对中世纪骑士小说的模仿。

卡尔维诺后期的幻想作品有:cosmicomiche (《宇宙连环画》,1965年出版)对宇宙创造和进化的意识流叙述;稍后的 Le città invisibili (《看不见的骑士》,1972年出版), Il castello dei destini incrociati (《命运交错的城堡》,1973年出版)和 Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore (《如果冬夜,一个旅人》,1979年出版),卡尔维诺使用了游戏般创新的结构和多变的视点,目的是考察机会、巧合和变化的本质。Una pietra sopra: Discorsi di letteratura e società (《文学的作用》,1980年出版)是他为Il Menabò杂志写的文章的结集。

Italo Calvino (October 15, 1923 - September 19, 1985) was an Italian writer and novelist.

Born in Santiago de Las Vegas, Cuba, he soon moved to Italy, where his family was from.

He stayed in San Remo, in the Riviera, and enrolled in the Avanguardisti with whom he took part in the occupation of the French Riviera.

In 1941 he moved to Turin. In 1943 he joined the Partisans in the Italian Resistance, in the Garibaldi brigade, with the battlename of Santiago, with Scalfari he created the MUL (universitarian liberal movement) then he entered the Italian Communist Party.

In 1947 Calvino graduated from Turin's university with a thesis on Joseph Conrad. In 1951, presumably in order to verify a possibility of careering in the communist party, he visited the Soviet Union. It was in 1957 that Calvino unexpectedly left the communist party, and his resigning letter (soon famous) was published on L'Unità.

Calvino also had more intense contacts with the academical world, with notable experiences at the Sorbonne and at Urbino's university. His interests included classical studies while at the same time, not without a certain surprise in the italian intellectual class, he wrote novels for Playboy's italian edition (1973).

In 1975 he was made Honorary Member of the American Academy. In 1981 he was awarded the prestigious French Légion d'Honneur. In 1985 he died in Siena at the ancient hospital of Santa Maria della Scala of a cerebral hemorrhage.


参考资料 References

作品在线 Works online






"平行性!" :卡尔维诺与博尔赫斯


The Science-Fiction and Fantasy Works of Italo Calvino

Italo Calvino (1923-1985)

看不见的城市 Invisible Cities

意大利童话 Italian Folktales

黑暗里的数字:寓言和故事 (1943-1958) 节选

宇宙奇趣 节选


  Mar 7, 2004