1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


The Tulse Luper Suitcases: The Moab Story (UK/Spain/Italy/Luxembourg/Netherlands


塔斯鲁波的手提箱:摩押故事 (英国 西班牙 意大利 卢森堡 荷兰 俄罗斯 匈牙利 德国)



Treasures and junks

Director: Peter Greenaway

Cast:  JJ Feild   Valentina Cervi   Drew Mulligan   Nigel Terry

Footage: 127min

Year: 2003

导演: Peter Greenaway

主演: JJ Feild   Valentina Cervi   Drew Mulligan   Nigel Terry

片长: 127分钟

出品时间: 2003

This is the first work of Peter Greenaway's most ambitious project, a proposed series of films, television programs, and multimedia projects that examine the contents of 92 suitcases. Billed as "a personal history of uranium" (atomic number 92), this film follows writer-collector Luper from 1928 when the existence of Uranium was first considered, to the end of the Cold War in 1989.

Part 1 The Moab Story follows Tulse Luper  from age 10, when he is reprimanded by his father for scrawling some graffiti on a wall in his desolate South Wales neighborhood. Twelve years later in 1938 in Moab, Utah, Luper is arrested through his contact with an American-German family about to travel to Europe to engage exploitatively in the Second World War. In the film's last section, Tulse ends up being imprisoned by Nazis in Antwerp.

The film also incorporates many inter-titles, superimposed images, a narrator presented in a picture-within-picture format, and many, many references to other Greenaway films and characters.

Peter Greenaway最雄心勃勃的计划就是要制作一系列关于92只箱子的电影、电视、多媒体作品,此为该系列的第一部。影片宣传打出”铀的个人历史“(元素表中铀编号92),沿着作家收藏家Luper的足迹叙述了从1928年铀首次被发现直到1989年冷战结束之间的历史。

第一部分”摩押故事“从Tulse Luper 10岁时开始讲起,他那时还在荒芜的南威尔士地区,因为在墙上涂鸦而被父亲训斥。十二年后的1938年在犹他州摩押,Luper又因和一个美籍德裔家庭在二次大战爆发时计划到欧洲旅行而被捕。影片最后,他在安特卫普结束了被纳粹关押的生活。

影片中有很多分标题,重叠画面,还有一个以画中画形式出现的叙述者,也有许多和Greenaway 其他电影及角色相关的内容。



Personal rate


Short segments online

Trailer 预览




Official Website 1

Official Website 2

Official Website 3



Works of the same director

8 1/2女人  8 1/2 Women

厨师,大盗,他的妻子和她的情人  The Cook, The Thief, His Wife And Her Lover

一个Z 两个O  A Zed & Two Noughts

建筑师之腹 The Belly Of An Architect


  Sep 11, 2004