Meshes of the Afternoon (USA)

午后的迷惘 (美国)


Director: Maya Deren

Cast: Maya Deren   Alexander Hammid

Footage: 18min

Year: 1943

导演: Maya Deren

主演:Maya Deren   Alexander Hammid

片长: 18分钟

出品时间: 1943

One of the most important and influential experimental films of the 20th century. Deren and husband Alexander Hammid played all the roles themselves. This feminist classic explores the interior images of a woman whose daydreams restore mystery and danger to the ordinary objects of her everyday life and transforms into an enigmatic meditation on eroticism and death.

二十世纪最有影响力的实验电影之一。由Deren 本人和丈夫 Alexander Hammid出演剧中所有角色。这部女性主义的经典描述了一个女性的白日梦,在梦中日常生活物品都变得神秘而危险,电影转向对性与死的晦涩思考。



Personal rate



巫毒女祭师的午后——MAYA DEREN的影像纪事


Works of the same director

变形时间的仪式 Ritual in Transfigured Time


Aug 15, 2004