About Viktor Astafyev
Born: May 1, 1924
Died: Nov. 29, 2001
Soviet-Russian novelist Viktor
Astafiyev was born in a village on the bank of the Yenisei river and
spent much of his childhood in an orphanage. In 1942 he volunteered
for the Soviet Army then he was seriously wounded fighting the
Germans during the German-Soviet War.
After 1962 he became a
professional writer. As a "village writer", Astafiyev was renowned
for the stark realism which centered on rural people who were
removed from Communist Party discipline.
目 录
序言:阿斯塔菲耶夫和他的长篇《鱼王》/ 夏仲翼
鲍耶/ 肖章 译
一滴水珠/ 肖章 译
没心没肺/ 张冰 译
达姆卡/ 夏仲翼 译
在黄金暗礁附近/ 夏仲翼 译
渔夫格罗霍塔洛/ 石枕川 译
鱼王/ 张介眉 译
黑羽翻飞/ 李毓榛 译
鲍加尼达村的鱼汤/ 石枕川 译
葬后宴/ 顾蕴璞 译
图鲁汉斯克百合花/ 杜奉真 译
白色群山的梦/ 夏仲翼 译
我找不到回答/ 高俐敏 译