Angel or seagull 天使或海鸥
Appendixes: 附录 Official Website of Kimya Dawson 官方网站 专辑目录 Audios online 音频在线 |
简 介 在东非斯瓦希里语中Kimya就是安静的意思。Kimya Dawson是一位美国唱作歌手,她为人熟知是因为她是纽约反民谣乐队the Moldy Peaches的核心人物之一。2004年这个乐队解散以后,Kimya继续写歌并且倾心于单飞生涯。当包含Kimya作品的电影Juno原声音乐发行时,她就被主流听众所接受。 |
Brief introduction In Swahili, "Kimya" (كيميا) means "silence". Kimya Dawson is an American singer-songwriter, best known as a co-leader of the New York City anti-folk outfit the Moldy Peaches. After the group disbanded in 2004, Kimya continued writing songs and cultivating a solo career. When the Juno soundtrack which featured her songs was released, Kimya was introduced to a mainstream audience. |