Death Of warrior 武士之死
References: 参考资料 官方网站 专辑目录 Audios online 音频在线 |
Background Music: 背景音乐 Zdrada! |
简 介 波兰异教金属乐队Hellveto是一支一个人的乐队,他的化名是L.O.N. 。它将听众带回到那些被遗忘的时代,当时古代的信仰正被异教之火所锻造。音乐中使用了许多键盘元素,既是为了烘托气氛,也是为了模拟其他乐器。 |
Brief introduction The Polish pagan metal band Hellveto was assembled by a single individual using the alias L.O.N. It takes the listener back to those forgotten times when the ancient beliefs were forged by the fires of the true Pagan spirits. Lots of keyboard elements are being used either to create atmosphere or to mimic an instrument. |