    这是一个以洛杉矶乐队风格为本的乐队,或更为确切地说是以其的倡导者兼歌手吉姆’莫里森(JimMorrison)个人风格为本的乐队,象征并超越了六十年代摇滚乐魅力以及它所创设的文化氛围。以莫里森的艺术抱负为起点,门乐队把具有沉迷醉幻般热情的想象、性感的表演和诗歌般的浪漫夸张与键盘手戴.曼扎克(Day Manzarek)、吉他手罗比’克里格(Robbie Krieger)和鼓手约翰.登斯莫尔(John Densmore)精湛别具风格的演奏,以及极富挑逗性刺激的外包装贯通起来,成为商业上取得成就的法宝。
    乐队的音乐风格是对R&B、爵士乐以及夸张迷幻格滚乐风格稍加改革,同时它的台上台下的每一个方面都流淌着莫里森个性风采。一头飘逸的长发、黝黑的皮裤、富有魅力公认的性感外貌,他创造了一个摇滚偶像,也因此激励了无数的素昧平生的追随者模仿者。他的自我造型——具有诗人气质的格滚乐民谣歌手形象,成为二十世纪七十年代第一位颓废女诗人帕蒂’史密斯(Patti Smith)风格及其创作的基础。他性感的舞台形象和充满激情的歌声被二十世纪八十年代INXS乐队的密歇尔’哈车斯(MichselHutchence)和九十年代波尔.詹姆(Pearl Jam)乐队的艾迪‘维德(EddieVed4er)奉为典范。
    莫里森在与他年龄相仿的杰出偶像群中更是个性鲜明的摇滚偶像。他以创新和发展富有自己个性的音乐风格区别同时代的一群摇滚明星如吉米‘汉瑞克斯、詹尼斯,乔普林、米克’杰格(MiCk Jagger)以及其他类似的人。当他们的个人形象基本上淹没于他们创作的歌声中时——或者脱离于他们是摇滚歌手这一简单的事实时——莫里森却将摇滚作为一个树立自己形象的手段。
    然而,由于以上这些逆反的感觉削弱了他试图努力赢得的真实形象感,这使他经常看起来像一隔寓意深刻却通过某种方式掩盖了本来面目的一个顶尖格滚偶像的漫画。如在他史诗般的摇滚歌曲《末日》(The End)里,他神志昏迷地描绘了一个神经错乱青年的大段心灵独白,这个人最终不可自拔地杀害了自己的父母。这首歌收录在门乐队的首张专辑中,成为他抒情摇滚这一个性表现风格的奠基之作。在现实生活中,当他向新闻界诉说他父母已死所造成的氛围是似乎他犯下了同龄中青手一样的罪行时,他的父亲活的非常好(是美国海军官员)的事实,看起来不适合他自己欲望中达到的那种大众形象。
    该乐队由莫里森(1943年12月8 日生出佛罗里达州的麦尔伯恩)和曼扎克(1935年2月12日生于芝加哥)成立于1965年,[后者曾同他的兄弟里克(Bick)和吉姆(Jim)一同效力于里克和拉文斯(Rick and The Ravens)乐队]又招募了登斯莫尔(1945年12月1日生于洛杉矶)。在克里格(1946年1月8日生于洛杉矶)加盟乐队前,这3人已录制了一盘莫里森的歌曲示范带,他曾同登斯莫尔一块效力于幻觉制造者(The Psychedelic Rangers)乐队。
    1966年伊始,莫里森为乐队取了名字,关于乐队的组织看起来还存在一些问题。一些消息灵通之士说它源于威廉姆”布雷克斯(WilliamBlakes)的诗:《门:打开,关上》(The Doors:Open and Closed)中的一节“有些事情被人所知,有些事情不被入所知,在于门的开闭之间。”然而另一些人则宣称,这个乐队的名字来源于阿尔多斯’赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)的《门的定义》(The Doors of Perception)诗中的一段,其中写道:“所有在路上的化学门都贴上了麻醉药的标签。”
    1966年,门乐队终于开始了长达6个月的排演寓言《一个威士忌歌舞酒吧》(Whiskey A—Go——Go)的训练演习,最终却由于莫里森的舞台节目《末日》而引起一场争论,乐队也被解雇作为收场。但是这支乐队引起了亚瑟.李(Arthur Lee)的关注,他是一名极具发展潜质的摇滚歌手。他曾效力于爱(Love)乐队。他将他们引荐给杰克.霍兹曼的伊莱特拉(Jac Holzman of Elektra)唱片公司,并相互签了契约。
    1967年1月,乐队的首张同名专辑推出,它很快走红,打入排行榜高居榜眼,并在排行榜上停留的时间长达121周。由莫里森用歌剧式的演唱歌曲《破碎穿越》(Break On Through)充溢着激昂的热情。同时乐队对具有R&B经典作《后门男人》(Back Door Man)的翻唱也是曾录制过的最好版本之一。但是这张专辑的两首主打歌曲是两首被拓展了的歌曲《燃起我的火》和《结束》。前者拓展铜管的即兴演奏,是由克里格轻巧娴熟极富层层推进力的独奏构成。后者是莫里森音乐的精品之作,他以狂热的激情宣称一种深厚的冥想的内蕴。
    这年里别的时间乐队做了一些公开演出,为莫里森的为人知晓奠定了基础。9月,当乐队在《艾德.沙利文节目》演出,演唱《燃起我的火》时,莫里森制造了一场骚动。在节目主持人的命令下遏止了歌曲女孩,我们不能达到更高潮了》(Girl We Couldn’t Get Much Higher)的演唱,莫里森也同意了,随后莫里森却随意地唱起了这首歌。12月,当乐队在辛辛那提州(Connecticnt)新哈文的巡回演出后,莫里森因辱骂警方官员而被捕,他被指控犯了扰乱治安和拒捕罪。
    类似的情况没有改变。1967年11月,门乐队推出了第2张专辑《奇异的日子》一种漫不经心粗糙的录制使得乐队以前固有的热情和执著变成反叛、自负,给人产生一种疏远的感觉。《奇异的日子》的结果令人十分失望。但是它在排行榜却高居第三位,其中的单曲《爱我两次》(Love Me Two Times)排名第25。
    1968年乐队艰难地在发展着,带有更多的挑衅和刺激。5月,门乐队为电影主题曲《无名战士》(The Unknown Soldier)配制了音乐,其中,莫里森“光彩夺目”。同月,他重返舞台,在芝加哥的一次演出中,他煽动人群滋生事端。
    但是除了争论,或是正是由于这些争论,乐队的唱片持续不断地荣登排行榜。1968年9月开始,乐队的第三张专辑《等待太阳》(Waiting For The Sun)在冠军位置上度过了4周时间。其中十分乏味的歌曲,具有流行乐韵味的《喂,我爱你》也高居榜首,卖出了100万张。专辑的封面印有——不是录制内容——莫里森格滚诗作《纪念理查德》(Celebration of the Lizard)内容,它成为后来莫里森颓废个性表演《理查德国王》(The Lizard King )的一个昭示。
    从那里我们可以看出,一切都简单明了。乐队的专辑仍持续不断地进入排行榜前十名,包括1970年专辑《莫里森旅店》(Morrison Hotel)、《绝对的生活》(其中包括70年《纪念理查德》的演出实况)、1971年的《女军人》。但是就音乐的角度而言,门乐队再也没有表现出超过或者同首张专辑同样的水平和成就。
    失去了莫里森的门乐队竭力想维持乐队的继续存在,但随后推出的专辑却是相当没有生机的。1972年,乐队终于解散了。1978年,为了录制莫里森在1970年创作的诗歌而做的背景音乐,乐队成员再聚一堂,制作了专辑《一个美国祈祷者》(An American Prayer)。乐队的舞台表演也被制成了专辑,即1983年出版的《她活着哭泣》(Alive she cried)和1987年出版的《生活在好莱坞圈》(Live At The Hollywood Bowl)。后来又推出了门乐队的精选专辑。
    1991年,由奥立佛. 斯通(Oliver Stone)执导的电影《门》重新激起了人们对门乐队曾经有过的魅力以及它卓越的组织者的兴趣。其中瓦尔.克尔讷(Val Kilner)扮演了莫里森,这部电影是对摇滚史上最为夸张的一位艺术表演家一次夸张的描绘。

摘自《摇滚先锋》   译者:邓兴军    中国青年出版社 1998年

    Look where we worship 

Jim Morrison


Look where we worship.
We all live in the city.
The city forms - often physically, but inevitably
psychically - a circle. A Game. A ring of death
with sex at its center. Drive toward outskirts
of city suburbs. At the edge discover zones of
sophisticated vice and boredom, child prosti-
tution. But in the grimy ring immediately surround-
ing the daylight business district exists the only
real crowd life of our mound, the only street
life, night life. Diseased specimens in dollar
hotels, low boarding houses, bars, pawn shops,
burlesques and brothels, in dying arcades which
never die, in streets and streets of all-night
When play dies it becomes the Game.
When sex dies it becomes Climax.
All games contain the idea of death.
Baths, bars, the indoor pool. Our injured leader
prone on the sweating tile. Chlorine on his breath
and in his long hair. Lithe, although crippled,
body of a middle-weight contender. Near him
the trusted journalist, confidant. He liked men
near him with a large sense of life. But most
of the press were vultures descending on the
scene for curious America aplomb. Cameras
inside the coffin interviewing worms.
It take large murder to turn rocks in the shade
and expose strange worms beneath. The lives of
our discontented madmen are revealed.
Camera, as all-seeing god, satisfies our longing
for omnisciece. To spy on others from this
height and angle: pedestrians pass in and out of
our lens like rare aquatic insects.
Yoga powers. To make oneself invisible or small
To become gigantic and reach to the farthest things.
To change the course of nature. To place oneself
anywhere in space or time. To summon the dead.
To exalt senses and perceive inaccessible images,
of events on other worlds, in one's deepest inner
mind, or in the minds of others.
The sniper's rifle is an extension of his eye. He
kills with injurious vision.
The assassin (?), in flight, gravitated with
unconscious, instinctual insect ease, moth-
like, toward a zone of safety, haven from the
swarming streets. Quickly, he was devoured
in the warm, dark, silent maw of the physical
Modern circles of Hell: Oswald (?) kills President.
Oswald enters taxi. Oswald stops at rooming house.
Oswald leaves taxi. Oswald kills Officer Tippitt.
Oswald sheds jacket. Oswald is captured.
He escaped into a movie house.
In the womb we are blind cave fish.

Everything is vague and dizzy. The skin swells and
there is no more distinction between parts of the
body. An encroaching sound of threatening,
mocking, monotonous voices. This is fear and
attraction of being swallowed.
Inside the dream, button sleep around your body
like a glove. Free now of space and time. Free
to dissolve in the streaming summer.
Sleep is an under-ocean dipped into each night.
At morning, awake dripping, gasping, eyes
The eye looks vulgar
Inside its ugly shell.
Come out in the open
In all of your Brilliance.

Nothing. The air outside
burns my eyes.
I'll pull them out
and get rid of the burning.

Crisp hot whiteness
City Noon
Occupants of plague zone
are consumed.
(Santa Ana's are winds off deserts.)
Rip up grating and splash in gutters.
The search for water, moisture,
"wetness" of the actor, lover.
"Players" - the child, the actor, and the gambler.
The idea of chance is absent from the world of the
child and primitive. The gambler also feels in
service of an alien power. Chance is a survival
of religion in the modern city, as is theater,
more often cinema, the religion of possession.
What sacrifice, at what price can the city be born?
There are no longer "dancers", the possessed.
The cleavage of men into actor and spectators
is the central fact of our time. We are obsessed
with heroes who live for us and whom we punish.
If all the radios and televisions were deprived
of their sources of power, all books and paintings
burned tomorrow, all shows and cinemas closed,
all the arts of vicarious existence...
We are content with the "given" in sensation's
quest. We have been metamorphosised from a mad
body dancing on hillsides to a pair of eyes
staring in the dark.
Not one of the prisoners regained sexual balance.
Depressions, impotency, sleeplessness... erotic
dispersion in languages, reading, games, music,
and gymnastics.
The prisoners built their own theater which
testified to an incredible surfeit of leisure.
A young sailor, forced into female roles, soon
became the "town" darling, for by this time they
called themselves a town, and elected a mayor,
police, aldermen.
In old Russia, the Czar, each year, granted-
out of the shrewdness of his own soul or one of
his advisors' - a week's freedom for one convict
in each of his prisons. The choice was left to the
prisoners themselves and it was determined in
several ways. Sometimes by vote, sometimes by lot,
often by force. It was apparent that the chosen
must be a man of magic, virility, experience,
perhaps narrative skill, a man of possibility, in
short, a hero. Impossible situation at the
moment of freedom, impossible selection,
defining our world in its percussions.


A room moves over a landscape, uprooting the mind,
astonishing vision. A gray film melts off the
eyes, and runs down the cheeks. Farewell.
Modern life is a journey by car. The Passengers change terribly in their reeking seats, or roam from car to car, subject to unceasing transformation.
Inevitable progress is made toward the beginning (there is no difference in terminals), as we slice through cities, whose ripped backsides present a moving picture of windows, signs, streets, buildings. Sometimes other vessels, closed worlds, vacuums, travel along beside to move ahead or fall utterly behind.
Destroy roofs, walls, see in all the rooms at once.
From the air we trapped gods, with the gods' omniscient gaze, but without their power to be inside minds and cities as they fly above.
June 30th. On the sun roof. He woke up suddenly.
At that instant a jet from the air base crawled in silence overhead. On the beach, children try to leap into its swift shadow.
The bird or insect that stumbles into a room and cannot find the window. Because they know no "windows."
Wasps, poised in the window, Excellent dancers, detached, are not inclined into out chamber.
Room of withering mesh read love's vocabulary in the green lamp of tumescent flesh.
When men conceived buildings, and closed themselves in chambers, first trees and caves.
(Windows work two ways, mirrors one way.)
You never walk through mirrors  or swim through windows.
Cure blindness with a whore's spittle.
In Rome, prostitutes were exhibited on roofs  above the public highways for the dubious  hygiene of loose tides of men whose potential  lust endangered the fragile order of power.
It is even reported that patrician ladies, masked  and naked, sometimes offered themselves up to  these deprived eyes for private excitements of  their own.
More or less, we're all afflicted with the psychology  of the voyeur. Not in a strictly clinical or  criminal sense, but in our whole physical and emotional   stance before the world. Whenever we seek to break  this spell of passivity, our actions are cruel and  awkward and generally obscene, like an invalid who   has forgotten how to walk.
The voyeur, the peeper, the Peeping Tom, is a dark  comedian. He is repulsive in his dark anonymity,  in his secret invasion. He is pitifully alone.
But, strangely, he is able through this same silence  and concealment to make unknowing partner of anyone  within his eye's range. This is his threat and   power.
There are no glass houses. The shades are drawn  and "real" life begins. Some activities are impossible  in the open. And these secret events are the voyeur's   game. He seeks them out with his myriad army of  eyes - like the child's notion of a Deity who sees  all. "Everything?" asks the child. "Yes, every-  thing," they answer, and the child is left to cope  with this divine intrusion.
The voyeur is masturbator, the mirror his badge,  the window his prey.
Urge to come to terms with the "Outside," by  absorbing, interiorizing it. I won't come out,  you must come in to me. Into my womb-garden  where I peer out. Where I can construct a universe  within the skull, to rival the real.

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