Mesmerism of the Sirens 海妖的催眠术
中文译名:神秘的圣像 |
参考资料 专辑目录 Audios online 音频在线 |
Brief introduction xARKANEx is the solo project by IkonX, the brother of Spyros Giasafakis of Daemonia Nymphe and Fiendish Nymph in which they both played part in. Like Daemonia Nymphe, IkonX is also concerned with trying to capture the spirit of ancient Hellenic paganism. Most songs of xARKANEx are created by electronic means, with additional classical guitar, snare drum and male and female vocals and choirs on some tracks. They remember the ancient Hellenistic past and inspire various moods and mental environments ranging from the ritualistic to the melancholic. |
简 介 xARKANEx是IkonX一个人的乐队,IkonX还和哥哥Spyros Giasafakis一起参与了Daemonia Nymphe和Fiendish Nymph两支乐队。与Daemonia Nymphe相仿,IkonX仍然沉醉于寻找古希腊的异教精神。 |
xARKANEx的大多数作品都是用电子器材演奏的,再加上一些古典吉他、响弦鼓,以及男女声演唱,有时也会用合唱团。它们令人回忆起古希腊的往昔,带来不同的氛围和精神环境,从仪式性的到忧郁的都有。 |
Jun 29, 2006 |