Churning of the Ocean 海洋的涌动
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简 介 意大利艺术家Alio Die在自己的故乡意大利米兰学习了艺术与电子学。1980年代后期,他开始录制深邃而且具有启迪性的实验氛围音乐和电子音响。他还运作着Hic Sunt Leones厂牌。 Alio Die的音乐融合了技术与神秘主义,就像新的中世纪的回归仪式,是深刻的自省,也创造出了反映生命和自然的神秘壮丽的怡人声音。 |
Brief introduction Italian artist Alio Die studied art and electronics in his home town of Milan, Italy. Since the late 1980s, Alio Die has recorded deep, evocative experimental ambient and electro-acoustic soundscapes. He also runs the Hic Sunt Leones label. Alio Die's music is a melting of technology and mysticism, like a new ritual with echoes of a medieval time, deep and grounded in introspection and also builds intimate soundscapes tied to the mystery and majesty of life and nature. |
Aug 11, 2006 |