1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


White Dog (USA)

白狗 (美国)



Racist beast

Director: Samuel Fuller

Cast:  Kristy McNichol    Paul Winfield    Burl Ives    Jameson Parker

Footage: 90min

Year: 1982

导演: Samuel Fuller

主演: Kristy McNichol    Paul Winfield    Burl Ives    Jameson Parker

片长: 90分钟

出品时间: 1982

This anti-racist film is based on the semiautobiographical story by Romain Gray.

An actress named Julie Sawyer hits a German Shepherd with her car and then adopts it. But soon she discovers the dog has been trained to attack dark-skinned people. Julie takes it to a facility that specializes in training animals for movies. Keys, a black trainer, takes on the task to cure its hate. He almost achieved success except that the dog now hates white old men instead.

这部反种族主义电影改编自Romain Gray的半自传故事。

女演员Julie Sawyer开车撞了一只德国牧羊犬,后来就收留了它。但不久她发现这只狗曾被训练专门攻击黑皮肤的人。Julie带它去了一个专为电影拍摄而训练动物的驯兽场。黑人驯兽师Keys接受任务 想治愈它的仇恨。他差点就成功了,但狗却转而仇视起白种老年男人来。



Personal rate





Jan. 16, 2009