1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


The Devils  (UK)

卢丹的恶魔 (英国)



Wrynecked cross

Director: Ken Russell

Cast:  Vanessa Redgrave   Oliver Reed   Dudley Sutton   Max Adrian   Gemma Jones

Footage: 111min

Year: 1971

导演: Ken Russell

主演: Vanessa Redgrave   Oliver Reed   Dudley Sutton   Max Adrian   Gemma Jones

片长: 111分钟

出品时间: 1971

The screenplay is an adaptation of the 1952 novel The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley, which based on the true story of the trial of Urbain Grandier, a Catholic priest who was executed in 1634 on charges of witchcraft. Urbain Grandier's radical political and religious notions and profligate sex life earn him many enemies. His rivals use some incidents as an excuse to have the priest arrested.

The director also took a contemporary approach to the historical fare by saturating it with markers of the sexual liberation in 1970. The film's sets of Loudun were devised by Derek Jarman, who spent three months designing them.

剧本改编自1952年阿·赫胥黎的小说《卢丹的恶魔》。它说的是一个真实的故事,关于天主教神父Urbain Grandier,他在1634年被以巫师的名义处决。Urbain Grandier激进的政治和宗教观念以及放肆的性活动为他树立了许多敌人,后来这些对手找准时机逮捕了他。

导演还使用当代眼光看待历史,在电影中植入了很多1970年代性解放的标志。而小城卢丹的环境是由Derek Jarman花了三个月时间设计的。



Personal rate



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Original poster



Jun. 02, 2017