1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Pont de Varsòvia  (Spain)

华沙的桥 (西班牙)

The Bridge of Warsaw


Nothing to do with the diver

Director: Pere Portabella

Cast:  Jordi Dauder    Carmen Elias    Francisco Guija    Ona Planas

Footage: 85min

Year: 1989

导演: Pere Portabella

主演: Jordi Dauder    Carmen Elias    Francisco Guija    Ona Planas

片长: 85分钟

出品时间: 1989

At the beginning of this groundbreaking experimental Catalan film, a female professor, a writer and an orchestra conductor attend the post-award reception for the writer's book entitled "Warsaw Bridge".  After the party the film formally "opens" with its title and credits. From then on, scenes become apart from the book appear. Every plot seems to be largely symbolic but not connect to any sort of sustained storyline.

The film can be regarded as an artistic and political essay on the Europe of the late 1980s in support of Portabella’s dissection of the arts.


这部电影可看作是Portabella站在艺术视角对1980年代后期欧洲艺术与政治的随记 。



Personal rate



Sample clip online


Original poster

附   录


Crossing the Pont de Varsòvia: The Critical Resilience of Pere Portabella’s Warsaw Bridge

Mar. 15, 2017