1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


O Sangue (Portugal)




Flow intermittently

Director: Pedro Costa

Cast:  Pedro Hestnes    Nuno Ferreira    Inês de Medeiros    Luís Miguel Cintra

Footage: 95min

Year: 1989

导演: Pedro Costa

主演: Pedro Hestnes    Nuno Ferreira    Inês de Medeiros    Luís Miguel Cintra

片长: 95分钟

出品时间: 1989

The remarkable debut film of Pedro Costa. And it's the first DVD release of his works, either.

The story follows two young brothers, Vincente and Nino. Their ailing father lives in a derelict house on the outskirts. He frequently leaves for goods without any explanation. Vincente is deeply in love with a young kindergarten teacher Clara. Three young people keep the father's absences as a secret. However, the nefarious uncle and some gangsters who have had some dealings with the father upset the balance.

Shot in inky black-and-white, the film demonstrates Costa's love and knowledge of classical Hollywood and European art cinema.

Pedro Costa出色的处女作,也是他第一个发行DVD的作品。

故事的主角是VincenteNino兄弟俩。他们生病的父亲住在郊区破旧的房子里,为了进货 他经常不辞而别。Vincente深爱着一个幼儿园老师Clara。三个年轻人为父亲的离去保守着机密。然而,奸诈的叔叔以及几个跟父亲有生意往来的歹徒打破了平衡。




Personal rate



Works of the same director

马钱 Cavalo Dinheiro


Dec. 25, 2009