1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


A Torinói ló (Hungary/France/Germany/Switzerland


都灵之马 (匈牙利 法国 德国 瑞士 美国)

The Turin Horse


Heaviness of existence

Director: Béla Tarr    Ágnes Hranitzky

Cast:  János Derzsi    Erika Bók    Mihály Kormos

Footage: 146min

Year: 2011

导演: Béla Tarr    Ágnes Hranitzky

主演: János Derzsi    Erika Bók    Mihály Kormos

片长: 146分钟

出品时间: 2011

"In Turin on 3rd January, 1889, Friedrich Nietzsche steps out of the doorway of number six, Via Carlo Albert. Not far from him, the driver of a hansom cab is having trouble with a stubborn horse. Despite all his urging, the horse refuses to move, whereupon the driver loses his patience and takes his whip to it. Nietzsche comes up to the throng and puts an end to the brutal scene, throwing his arms around the horse’s neck, sobbing. His landlord takes him home, he lies motionless and silent for two days on a divan until he mutters the obligatory last words, and lives for another ten years, silent and demented, cared for by his mother and sisters. We do not know what happened to the horse.”

This is the prologue of the film which is shot in only 30 long takes. Béla Tarr unexpectedly focuses not on the philosopher, but on the repetitive daily lives of the horse and its owners, a farmer and his daughter. In very poor health, the horse can hardly take on heavy responsibilities. They have to live a unlively life.

188913日,弗里德里希·尼采从都灵的卡罗阿尔伯托广场6号门口走出来。离他不远的地方,一个马车夫正在为一匹倔马犯愁。无论马夫怎样催促,马就是不动。马夫失去了耐心,开始用鞭子抽打它。尼采冲向人群,制止了这一残酷场面,他抱着马的脖子哭了起来。房东把他带回家。他一动不动在沙发上静卧了两天,然后嘟囔出他最后必须说的话。后来 尼采在母亲和妹妹的照料下又活了十年,他沉默寡言,精神已经错乱。我们不清楚那匹马又是怎样的情况。”

以上是这部仅用30个长镜头就完成的电影的开场白。Béla Tarr没有去关注那位哲学家,而是出人意料地将镜头对准了马和它的主人——一位农夫和他的女儿——不断重复的日常生活。马的健康状况很差,不能再担当重任。他们的生活死气沉沉。



Personal rate







Works of the same director

天谴 Kárhozat

撒旦的探戈 Sátántangó

来自伦敦的男人 A Londoni Férfi


Nov. 26, 2011