1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Avida (France)

阿维达 (法国)



A crowd of flesh

Director: Benoît Delépine    Gustave Kervern

Cast:  Gustave Kervern    Benoît Delépine    Velvet    Eric Martin

Footage: 83min

Year: 2006

导演: Benoît Delépine    Gustave Kervern

主演: Gustave Kervern    Benoît Delépine    Velvet    Eric Martin

片长: 83分钟

出品时间: 2006

In this bizarre surrealist comedy, Avida is an obese billionaire whose pet dog is kidnapped by a deaf-mute and two junkies. The laters are all from a zoo where people used to abuse on animals. After a series of absurd, grotesque sequences, Avida realizes they are inept criminals and forces them to carry out her last wishes - to take her own life.








Personal rate





Short clips online


Jun 15, 2007