1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Viva la Muerte (France)

死亡万岁 (法国)

Long Live Death


Outrageous betrayal

Director: Fernando Arrabal

Cast:  Mahdi Chaouch    Nuria Espert

Footage: 90min

Year: 1970

导演: Fernando Arrabal

主演: Mahdi Chaouch    Nuria Espert

片长: 90分钟

出品时间: 1970

Based on Arrabal's own novel, Baal Babylon, it is a semi autobiographical film and an extremely violent, gory, and surreal story of the life of a young boy's search for his father, who was imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War. When the boy learns that his mother turned dad in as a leftist, he starts fantasizing about his father's fate. Filled with grotesque images of violence and sexuality, it has been celebrated as an avant-garde statement and blasted as unpleasant excess.

这是一部半自传体的电影,改编自Arrabal自己的小说Baal Babylon。它讲述的是西班牙内战期间一个小男孩寻找自己被捕的父亲的故事,这个故事非常暴力、残酷和超现实。当小男孩得知是母亲把父亲作为左翼分子出卖后,他开始想象父亲的命运。电影充满怪诞的暴力和性,被认为是前卫派的一个宣言,也因无节制的令人不快的镜头而为人责骂。




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  Jan 19, 2006