1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Le Havre (Finland/France/Germany)

勒阿弗尔 (芬兰 法国 德国)



A shoeshiner in the port

Director: Aki Kaurismäki

Cast:  André Wilms    Kati Outinen    Jean-Pierre Darroussin    Blondin Miguel

Footage: 93min

Year: 2011

导演: Aki Kaurismäki

主演: André Wilms    Kati Outinen    Jean-Pierre Darroussin    Blondin Miguel

片长: 93分钟

出品时间: 2011

Le Havre is the name a port city in northern France. Kaurismäki sets this film as the first installment in a trilogy about life in port cities.

Marcel Marx, a free-spirited and good-natured former author, currently works as a shoeshiner and lives happily with his wife Arletty and his dog Laika in Le Havre. One day, Arletty is diagnosed with cancer and hospitalized.

At the same time, Marcel witnesses occasionally with an illegal immigrant boy from Africa, Idrissa, who is trying to reach his mother in London. He helps the boy hide from officials who want him deported. Marcel once more has to rise against the cold wall of human indifference with the solidarity of the people of his community, but against him stands the blind machinery of state. Marcel must devise an escape plan for Idrissa.

Kaurismäki resists the temptation to turn this story into a dour political critique. He tries to examine how individuals as well as governments deal with illegal immigrants, something that has taken on more importance than ever amid the growing international economic crisis and fears of terrorism.

The names of several characters were chosen as homages to French films, such as Arletty and Jacques Becker. In addition, the name of Marcel Marx is inspired by Karl Marx, the character Monet is inspired by Porfiry Petrovich, the detective from Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment.

Le Havre是法国北部一个港口城市的名字。Kaurismäki将该影片作为港城生活三部曲的第一部。

Marcel Marx以前是个作家,他自由散漫但待人友善,现在他是一个擦鞋匠,和妻子Arletty还有他的狗Laika一起快乐地生活在Le Havre。一天,Arletty被诊断出癌症住进了医院。



电影中有些角色的名字是在向法国电影致敬,比如ArlettyJacques Becker。另外,Marcel Marx的名字来自卡尔·马克思,而Monet这个角色的灵感来自陀思妥耶夫斯基的《罪与罚》里的波尔菲里·彼得罗维奇探长。



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Mar. 24, 2012