::只能是电影 PURE FILMS::


Häxan (Denmark/Sweden)

女巫们 (丹麦 瑞典)

Witchcraft Through the Ages

Director: Benjamin Christensen

Cast: Maren Pedersen    Benjamin Christensen

Footage: 104min

Year: 1922

导演: Benjamin Christensen

主演: Maren Pedersen    Benjamin Christensen

片长: 104分钟

出品时间: 1922

Häxan can justifiably be considered the world's first cult movie. It's about the history of witchcraft, told in a variety of styles, from illustrated slideshow to dramatised events of alleged real-life events, right up to the early twentieth century.

Beginning in a sedate fashion with a series of woodcuts and engravings, the film then shifts into gear with a progression of dramatic vignettes, illustrating the awesome power of witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Told in seven parts, we are given a brief tour of the origins of witchcraft, then follow a more recent persecution, trial, and condemnation of a supposed Scandinavian witch.

To 'decent folks' it was the most morbid and perverse film ever made, while others hailed it as a sober and scientific yet thoroughly human document.


电影以严谨风格开始,开头是一系列木刻和雕塑,其后是一些戏剧小品,展现了中世纪时期巫术令人敬畏的权势。电影分为七个部分,简述了巫术的起源,以及 更晚近的迫害、审讯,还有斯堪的纳维亚一个被怀疑为女巫的人的定罪过程。



Personal rate


Aug 31, 2006