::只能是电影 PURE FILMS::


Démanty Noci (Czechoslovakia)

夜之钻 (捷克斯洛伐克)

Diamonds of the Night

Director: Jan Nemec

Cast: Ladislav Jánsky    Antonín Kumbera    Irma Bischofova

Footage: 63min

Year: 1964

导演: Jan Nemec

主演: Ladislav Jánsky    Antonín Kumbera    Irma Bischofova

片长: 63分钟

出品时间: 1964

One of the breakthrough films of the Czech New Wave. A remarkable directorial debut by 27-year-old Jan Nemec.

Based on a short story by Arnost Lustig, it's about two boys who escape from a Nazi transport train, told in a visual, surrealistic style. Ultimately, the boys are hunted down by a group of old, armed home-guardists. After a mock execution, they are let go, and continue their journey to freedom.

捷克新浪潮的发端作品之一。是当时27岁的Jan Nemec的非凡处女作。

故事根据Arnost Lustig的原作改编,讲的是从纳粹运输车上逃脱的两个男孩的故事,电影以画面为语言,具有超现实风格。最终两个男孩被一伙持枪的老守护员抓住,在进行了假的枪决以后,他们被释放,继续着他们寻找自由的历程。


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Jun 10, 2006