::只能是电影 PURE FILMS::


Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst (USA)

游击队绑票案 (美国)


Director: Robert Stone

Footage: 89min

Year: 2003

导演: Robert Stone

片长: 89分钟

出品时间: 2003

It is a documentary about Symbionese Liberation Army, the short-lived radical political group that caused a media frenzy in the early '70s. Dedicated to the rights of black prisoners and the working class, the SLA set forth in 1973 to incite the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, brilliantly manipulating the mass media to advance their message.

In 1974, SLA kidnapped a teenage newspaper heiress and Berkeley undergrad Patty Hearst from her apartment. The group demanded that her father, William Randolph Hearst, give millions of dollars to the poor. Later, Patty Hearst joined the group and transformed into "Tania".

Filmmaker Robert Stone incorporates archival footage, news clips, and contemporary interviews with SLA founder Russ Little and member Mike Bortin. He conjures a certain nostalgia for the polemical extremities of the not-so-distant past.


1974年SLA在公寓里绑架了身为报业继承人和伯克利研究生的少女Patty Hearst。这个组织要求她的父亲William Randolph Hearst分发百万美元给穷人。后来,Patty Hearst也加入了组织,并且改名为“Tania”。

导演Robert Stone把档案影像、新闻片断和对SLA创始人Russ Little以及成员Mike Bortin的最新访谈合成为电影。在对这些有争议的极端行为的回顾中他对不太远的过去流露出些许怀念之情。


Personal rate


Short clips online

Sample clips on Ultimate DVD

Sample clips on Cineworld


Jan 18, 2006