The Blues: A Musical Journey (USA)

蓝调音乐之旅 (美国)

Footage: 13 hours

Year: 2003



This series, executive produced by Martin Scorsese, consists of seven directors' seven feature-length films. They explore the blues through their own personal styles and perspectives and just want to create highly personal and impressionistic films with a passion for this music.

这一系列片由Martin Scorsese担纲制作,包括了七位导演的七部长片。他们以自己的风格从自己的角度出发审视布鲁斯,意图是制作高度个人化的、能够给人留下深刻印象的、带着对这种音乐的热情的电影。

Feel Like Going Home


by Martin Scorsese

Director Martin Scorsese looks at the roots of the music in the Mississippi Delta and in the traditions of Africa. The film celebrates the early Delta bluesmen through original performances and rare archival footage.

演Martin Scorsese着眼于密西西比三角洲和非洲的音乐根源,通过一些当初的演出和珍贵影片资料歌颂了那些早期的三角洲布鲁斯艺人。

The Soul of a Man


by Wim Wenders

This installment explores the lives of Wim Wenders‘ favorite blues artists: Skip James, Blind Willie Johnson, and J. B. Lenoir. It is part history and part personal pilgrimage. Their musical legacy is interpreted through live performances by contemporary musicians like Bonnie Raitt, Lou Reed, Nick Cave, Lucinda Williams, Beck, etc.

这一部分展示了Wim Wenders喜爱的布鲁斯艺人的生活:Skip James,Blind Willie Johnson和J. B. Lenoir。一半是历史,一半是个人的朝圣。他们的音乐被当代音乐家现场表演,如Bonnie Raitt,Lou Reed,Nick Cave,Lucinda Williams,Beck等。

The Road to Memphis


by Richard Pearce

Director traces the Blues movement from the Mississippi Delta to Memphis during the early '50s. It features original performances by B.B. King, Bobby Rush, Rosco Gordon and Ike Turner, as well as historical footage of Howlin' Wolf and Rufus Thomas.

导演追随1950年代的从密西西比三角洲到孟菲斯的布鲁斯运动。影片中有B.B. King,Bobby Rush,Rosco Gordon 和 Ike Turner当初的表演,以及Howlin' Wolf 和 Rufus Thomas的历史影像资料。

Warming by the Devil's Fire


by Charles Burnett

A tale about a young boy who is kidnapped by his blues-loving uncle in Mississippi in the 1950s. It reveals the intergenerational tensions between the heavenly strains of gospel and the devilish moans of the blues.


Godfathers and Sons


by Marc Levin

Director Marc Levin travels to Chicago with hip-hop legend Chuck D and Marshall Chess to explore the heyday of Chicago blues. The film also presents the influence of Chess Records, and the connection between blues and hip-hop.

导演Marc Levin和hip-hop明星Chuck D还有Marshall Chess一起去芝加哥探寻芝加哥布鲁斯的全盛历史。影片还呈现了Chess唱片公司的影响以及布鲁斯和hip-hop之间的联系。

Red, White & Blues


by Mike Figgis

Director Mike Figgis joins musicians such as Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Tom Jones, performing and talking about the music of the early sixties British invasion. The film explores the impact of black American blues music on mostly white audiences in the U.K., who then reintroduced the style to mainstream America.

导演Mike Figgis和一些音乐家,包括Van Morrison,Eric Clapton,Jeff Beck,和Tom Jones等一起表演并谈论1960年代早期的不列颠入侵时的音乐。影片展现了美国黑人的布鲁斯对占英国大部分的白人听众的冲击,而后者又将它介绍给美国主流社会。

The Blues: Piano Blues


by Clint Eastwood

Director Clint Eastwood explores his life-long passion for piano blues, using a treasure trove of rare historical footage in addition to interviews and performances by some living legends.

导演Clint Eastwood展现了他对钢琴布鲁斯的毕生热爱,他使用了一些珍贵的历史影像资料,还邀请仍在世的明星来参加访谈和表演。




Official website



Personal rate



Sample clips online

Trailer on the official website


Trailers on IFILM


  Aug 31, 2005