::只能是电影 PURE FILMS::


Ladoni (Russia)

掌心 (俄罗斯)


Director: Artour Aristakisian

Footage: 140min

Year: 1993

导演: Artour Aristakisian

片长: 140分钟

出品时间: 1993

The director presents a film of the people who live on the margins of life and exist outside normal society. The film is divided into ten chapters, each recounting stories from the lives of the people living in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. From 1986 to 1990, Aristakisian lived among the tramps and beggars there, studying them and empathising with their plight. His sensitive narration is that of a father intoning truths to his unborn child, paired with black and white footage of the individual, whose outsider status was part of their uniqueness.

导演呈现给我们的是生活在边缘和常规社会体系之外的人群的电影。它讲述了摩尔多瓦首都基希讷乌人的生活,分为十个章节。从1986年到1990年,Aristakisian在那里与流浪汉 以及乞丐混在一起,专心研究他们的生活困境。他用感性的声音,向未出生的孩子吟诵着真理,配合着黑白画面,展现那些人们特有的局外人状态。


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Nov. 22, 2010