::只能是电影 PURE FILMS::


Please Vote for Me (China/South Africa/Denmark)

请投我一票 (中国 南非 丹麦)


Director: Chen Weijun

Footage: 58min

Year: 2007

导演: 陈为军

片长: 58分钟

出品时间: 2007

This film is part of the "Why Democracy?" series -- a documentary film series produced by Steps International.

In Evergreen Primary School of Wuhan, the third-grade class is being asked to choose between three candidates for the position of Class Monitor. They have their first encounter with democracy.

Each candidate must show their worthiness by performing in a talent show, participating in a debate, and making a speech while their parents do their best to make sure their child will win the election. They use all manner of schemes. Dirty tricks are played, bribes are given and positions are promised.

The director's intention is to determine how, if democracy came to China, it would be received. Will it be as irrational as the recent year's votes of Pop Idol?

这部影片是“为什么要民主”系列的一部分,这个系列的内容是Steps International出品的一些纪录片。





Personal rate



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Sample clips on Tudou


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《Please vote for me》对新闻改革的启示

Please Vote for Me

Jan. 8, 2009