1970及其前因后果 :: 只能是电影

 >1970<+itself :: Pure films   


Otesánek (Czech Republic/UK)

树婴 (捷克 英国)

Little Otik


Living stump

Director: Jan Svankmajer

Cast:  Veronika Zilkova   Jan Hartl

Footage: 125min

Year: 2000

导演: Jan Svankmajer

主演: Veronika Zilkova   Jan Hartl

片长: 125分钟

出品时间: 2000

Based on an old Czech folk tale.

 Karel and Bozena are a married couple who desperately want a child, but have been unable to conceive. One day, Karel is digging up an old tree stump when it occurs to him that the roots look a bit like a baby; He brings the stump home and carves it into the image of a child. They name their new child Otik. Bozena's maternal longings transform the stump into a living creature with a monstrous appetite that can't be met with baby formula. Otik begins eating stray animals and even people......


Karel 和Bozena是一对已婚夫妻,他们非常想要一个孩子但就是无法成功。一天,Karel挖树根的时候发现树根很像一个婴儿。他就把它带回家并加工成小孩的模样。他们给它起名为Otik。 Bozena的母爱赋予了树根以生命,它惊人的食量和一般婴儿大不相同。Otik开始吃一些动物,甚至还有人......



Personal rate


Works of the same director

史云梅耶动画作品集 The Collected Shorts of Jan Svankmajer

食物 Jidlo

爱丽丝 Něco z Alenky

黑暗 光明 黑暗 Tma/Svetlo/Tma




树婴 ——— 记:一部解析人类欲望本质的电影
