::只能是电影 PURE FILMS::


Un perro llamado Dolor (Spain)

一只名叫痛苦的狗 (西班牙)

A Dog Called Pain

Director: Luis Eduardo Aute

Footage: 90min

Year: 2001

导演: Luis Eduardo Aute

片长: 90分钟

出品时间: 2001

The film is filled with static, mostly wordless hand-drawn images. Its name is got for Mexico painter Frieda Kahlo's own pooch, moreover, dogs figure prominently in the episodes. The director, artist turned filmmaker Luis Eduardo Aute, explores the relationships between several maverick artists and their models in seven portraits in no apparent chronological order. He focuses not on straightforward storytelling, but on capturing some inner truth about the artists and sometimes their historical and cultural environments.

电影主要由静止的、多数时间没有对白的手绘图片组成。片名来自于墨西哥画家Frieda Kahlo的狗,而狗也在电影中扮演着重要角色。导演是画家出身的Luis Eduardo Aute,他针对七幅画像探讨了几个标新立异的画家及其模特之间的关系,它们没有明显的时间顺序。导演并不满足于直截了当地讲故事,而是致力于捕捉艺术家的内在实质,有时还涉及他们的历史文化环境。



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Original poster







Mar. 21, 2014