Beautiful People: IF 60'S WERE 90'S |
written by Jimi Hendrix |
original title: If 6 was 9 |
(original lyrics) |
Yeah, sing the song, Bro' |
If the sun refuse to shine, |
如果太阳拒绝闪耀, |
I don't mind, I don't mind, |
我不在意,我不在意 |
If the mountains fell in the sea, |
如果山脉没入大海, |
let it be, it ain't me. |
让它去吧,关我何事 |
Alright, 'cos I got my own world to look through, |
好在我找到了自己的世界, |
And I ain't gonna copy you. |
我不会追随你的足迹 |
Now if 6 turned out to be 9, |
即使发现“6”原来是“9”, |
I don't mind, I don't mind, |
我不在意,不会在意 |
Alright, if all the hippies cut off all their hair, |
就算所有嬉皮士剪去了他们的头发, |
I don't care, I don't care. |
与我何干,我才不管 |
Dig, 'cos I got my own world to live through |
因为我生存在自己的世界, |
And I ain't gonna copy you. |
我不会追随你的足迹 |
White collared conservative flashing down the street, |
保守的白领们招摇过市, |
Pointing their plastic finger at me. |
他们向我伸出矫情的手指, |
They're hoping soon my kind will drop and die, |
盼望我等族类早日灭亡 |
But I'm gonna wave my freak flag high, high. |
而我却将挥舞那愤世嫉俗的旗帜,并把它举得更高,更高 |
Wave on, wave on |
潮流涌动 |
Fall mountains, just don't fall on me |
坍塌的大山,千万别砸着我 |
Go ahead on Mr. Business man, you can't dress like me. |
成功人士你大胆地往前走,可不能像我这样打扮 |
Sing on Brother, play on drummer. |
把歌唱起来,把鼓敲起来吧 |
If 60's were 90's is a remixed version of If 6 was 9 (from Jimi hendrix's Axis: Bold as Love, released in 1967). Now this song is performed by Beautiful People. |
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