1970及其前因后果 :: 一瞥惊鸿黄金屋

 >1970<+itself :: Books   



The Art of Illusion: Production Design for Film and Television

作者:Terry Ackland-Snow   Wendy Laybourn

Ramsbury: The Crowood Press

ISBN: 978-1-78500-344-8





The Production Designer creates the detailed sketches and drawings, both of interiors and exteriors, which then fall to the Art Director and his team to extend into blueprints for the Construction Manager to work from.

A Draughtsman must have excellent technical drawing skills. A working knowledge of architecture, fine art and graphics is essential and experience in Theatre Production Design is also useful. Once fully trained, the Draughtsman will be expected to have expert knowledge of all building materials and construction techniques, including a good comprehension of period buildings and the techniques involved.


Film production is a highly creative and collaborative industry, full of multi-skilled artists and craftsmen. The fast-moving pace of technology makes it hard to keep abreast of current practices in production design. However, the ethos and skills behind filmmaking remain the same. In The Art of Illusion, renowned Art Director Terry Ackland-Snow shares his passion and knowledge of traditional film design from over fifty years of industry experience, using real-life case studies from some of the UK's most iconic films, including Batman, Labyrinth, the James Bond franchise and The Deep. Featuring over 100 original sketches, as well as rare behind-the-scenes photographs, storyboards and artwork, this book is exquisitely illustrated throughout, demonstrating the skills and techniques of film design with stunning intricacy.


目 录


Film Crew Breakdown
1. The Art Department
2. The Production Office and the Art Budget
3. Construction and Set Dressing
4. Working on Location
5. Camera Angles, Lighting and Perspective
6. Special Physical Effects and Storyboarding
7. Working with Puppetry and Animation
8. Visual Effects
Appendix I: Technical Exercises
Appendix II: Unit List Titles for UK and USA
Useful Websites, Publications and Bibliography

Terry Ackland-Snow

Wendy Laybourn


 Brief comment




这本书对技术细节的关注有点出人意料,作者甚至还简单介绍了AutoCADSketchUpRhinoMaya等绘图软件 ,附录更有点像建筑设计资料集,包括门窗、楼梯、人体尺度等内容,可以说是一些过于琐细的内容。不过这也方便非专业读者能够形成极为具体的认识。

Sketch of Dr Frank-N-Furter’s laboratory, showing the location of the freezer, the ramp and the breakaway wall – note the geodesic dome as part of the ceiling

Sketch showing the construction of the breakaway wall and the progress of the wheelchair

Examples of card models built by the Art Department

Plan and elevation drawings for office and corridor set in AutoCAD

Storyboards for the opening sequence filmed in New Mexico

A motion-capture headcam


May 30, 2024