About Peter Handke
Born: Dec. 06, 1942
Avant-garde Austrian playwright,
novelist, poet, and essayist. He is regarded as one of the most original
German-language writers in the second half of the 20th century. He
earned an early reputation as avant-garde for his plays Offending the
Audience and Kaspar. During the NATO attack on Yugoslavia in 1999, he
furiuosly attacked the Western alliance.
Handke collaborated with director Wim
Wenders on a film version of his novel Die Angst des Tormanns beim
Elfmeter (The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick) and co-wrote the
screenplay for Wings of Desire.
彼得·汉德克(Peter Handke,1942-),奥地利著名小说家、剧作家。当代德语文学最重要的作家之一,被称为“活着的经典”。1973年获毕希纳文学奖,2009年获卡夫卡文学奖。著有小说《守门员面对罚点球时的焦虑》《重现》《无欲的悲歌》《左撇子女人》,剧本《骂观众》《卡斯帕》《形同陌路的时刻》等。