About Lars Müller
Though born in Oslo in 1955 as a
Norwegian citizen, Lars Müller has been based in Switzerland since 1963.
His early years as a designer were seminally influenced by his close
friendship with the constructivist artist Richard Paul Lohse and the
graphic designer Josef Müller-Brockmann. In 1982 he established his
studio in Baden and started publishing books on typography, design, art,
photography, and architecture. Lars Müller has taught at various
universities in Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe. He has been a guest
lecturer at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design since 2009.
维克托·马尔塞(Victor Malsy),1957年生于德国Froschhausen,接受过技术工人与男护士的职业教育,后来在不来梅艺术大学学习平面设计,1991年起成立自己的工作室--传达与造型工作室,从2000年起担任杜塞尔多夫应用技术大学的设计专业教授,主要研究方向是字体版式与书籍设计。
因德拉·库普弗施密德(Indra Kupferschmid),1973年生于德国Fulda,在魏玛的包豪斯大学学习视觉传达,后在荷兰师从Fred
阿克瑟·朗格(Axel Langer),1968年生于瑞士巴登,在苏黎世大学学习艺术史与音乐理论,从1999年起在Rietberg博物馆担任伊斯兰艺术的出版人和策划人,主要研究方向是波斯小型艺术。